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English Literature 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
This is a beautiful application that outlinesa brief history of English literature and also introduces you tomany aspects of the world of literature. This small applicationsmartly touches every single era that happened in life of EnglishLiterature.Plus, you will learn about great writers like:-1. Geoffrey Chaucer, 2. Edmund Spencer, 3. Francis Bacon, 4.Christopher Marlowe, 5. William Shakespeare, 6. Ben Johnson, 7.John Milton, 8. John Bunyan, 9. John Dryden, 10. Daniel Defoe, 11.Jonathan Swift, 12. Joseph Addison, 13. Alexander Pope, 14. SamuelJohnson, 15. Thomas Gray, 16. Oliver Goldsmith, 17. Edmund Burke,18. William Cowper, 19. William Blake, 20. Robert Burns, 21.William Wordsworth, 22. Sir Walter Scott, 23. Samuel TaylorColeridge, 24. Robert Southway, 25. Jane Austen, 26. Charles Lamb,27. George Gordon, Lord Byron, 28. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 29, JohnKeats, 30. Alfred Tennyson, 31. William Makepeace Thackeray, 32.Charles Dickens, 33. Robert Browning, 34. John Ruskin, 35. MathewArnold, 36. Thomas Hardy, 37, Abraham Stroker, 38. Robert LouisStevenson, 39. George Bernard Shaw, 40. William Butler Yeats, 41.Rudyard Kipling, 42. H.G. Wells, 43. Walter de la Mare, 44. WilliamSomerset Maugham, 45. John Masefield, 46. James Joyce, 47. VirginiaWoolf, 48. T.S. Eliot, 49. Katherine Mansfield, 50. John BoyntonPriestley
Amharic Radio Amharic Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Amharic Radios. Amharic is a Semitic languagespoken in Ethiopia. It is the second most-spoken Semitic languagein the world, after Arabic, and the official working language ofthe Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Thus, it has officialstatus and is used nationwide. Amharic is also the official orworking language of several of the states within the federalsystem.
Mongolian Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Mongolian Radios app. The Mongolian languageis the official language of Mongolia and the best-known member ofthe Mongolic language family. The number of speakers across all itsdialects may be 5.2 million, including the vast majority of theresidents of Mongolia and many of the Mongolian residents of theInner Mongolia autonomous region of China. In Mongolia, the Khalkhadialect, written in Cyrillic, is predominant, while in InnerMongolia, the language is more dialectally diverse and is writtenin the traditional Mongolian script. In the discussion of grammarto follow, the variety of Mongolian treated is Standard KhalkhaMongolian (i.e., the standard written language as formalized in thewriting conventions and in the school grammar), but much of what isto be said is also valid for vernacular (spoken) Khalkha and otherMongolian dialects, especially Chakhar.Mongolian script: Monggol kele.svg, Mongγol kele; in MongolianCyrillic: Монгол хэл, Mongol khel
Swahili Radio Swahili Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Swahili Radios app. Swahili is a Bantulanguage spoken by various ethnic groups that inhabit several largestretches of the Mozambique Channel coastline from northern Kenyato northern Mozambique, including the Comoro Islands. It is alsospoken by ethnic minority groups in Somalia. Although only fivemillion people speak Swahili as their mother tongue, it is used asa lingua franca in much of East Africa, meaning the total number ofspeakers exceeds 60 million. Swahili serves as a national, orofficial language, of five nations: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, theComoros and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Kiswahili, known in Swahili itself as Kiswahili
Kurdish Radio Kurdish Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Kurdish Radios app. Kurdish is a dialectcontinuum spoken by the Kurds in western Asia. It is part of theIranian branch of the Indo-Iranian group of Indo-Europeanlanguages.The Kurdish language itself has about 16 million speakers today.According to KONDA, 11.97% of the total population of Turkey speaksKurdish as their native or second language. According to the CIAWorld Factbook, 9% of total population of Iran speaks Kurdish. Theactual number of ethnic Kurds is higher than speakers of Kurdishvarieties, estimated to be between 25–30 million.Kurdish is not a unified standard language but a discursiveconstruct of languages spoken by ethnic Kurds, referring to a groupof speech varieties that are not necessarily mutually intelligibleunless there has been considerable prior contact between theirspeakers. The second official language of Iraq, referred to only as'Kurdish' in political documents, is in fact an academic andstandardized version of the Sorani dialect of a branch of languagesspoken by Kurds.(Kurdish: Kurdî or کوردی)
Yoruba Radio Yoruba Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Yoruba Radios app. Yorùbá is a Niger–Congolanguage spoken in West Africa by approximately 20 millionspeakers. The native tongue of the Yoruba people, is spoken, amongother languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo and in communities inother parts of Africa, Europe and the Americas. A variety of thelanguage, Lucumi, is used as the liturgical language of theSanteria religion of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic.It is most closely related to the Itsekiri language spoken in theNiger-Delta and Igala spoken in central Nigeria.The ancestor of the Yoruba speakers is, according to their oraltraditions, Oduduwa. Although they share a common history, it isonly since the second half of the nineteenth century that thechildren of Oduduwa share one name. At some stage the term Yaribaor Yoruba came into use, first confined to the Ọyọ Kingdom; theterm was used among the Hausa (as it is today) but its origins areunclear. In part due to the development of a written standard, theterm Yoruba was extended to include all speakers of thelanguage.Linguistic means — including, for example,historical-comparative linguistics, glottochronology, anddialectology — used along with both traditional (oral) historicalsources and archaeological finds, have shed some light on thehistory of the Yorubas and their language before this point. TheNorth-West Yoruba dialects, for example, show more linguisticinnovations. According to some, this, combined with the fact thatSoutheast and Central Yoruba areas generally have oldersettlements, suggests a later date of immigration for NorthwestYoruba.native name èdè Yorùbá, 'the Yorùbá language'
Uyghur Radio Uyghur Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Uyghur Radios app. Uyghur formerly known asEastern Turkish, is a Turkic language with 8 to 11 millionspeakers, spoken primarily by the Uyghur people in the XinjiangUyghur Autonomous Region of Western China. Significant communitiesof Uyghur-speakers are located in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, andvarious other countries have Uyghur-speaking expatriatecommunities. Uyghur is an official language of the Xinjiang UyghurAutonomous Region, and is widely used in both social and officialspheres, as well as in print, radio, and television, and is used asa lingua franca by other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.Uyghur belongs to the Uyghuric branch of the Turkic languagefamily, which also includes languages such as Salar and the moredistantly related Uzbek. Like many other Turkic languages, Uyghurdisplays vowel harmony and agglutination, lacks noun classes orgrammatical gender, and is a left-branching language withsubject–object–verb word order. More distinctly Uyghur processesinclude, especially in northern dialects, vowel reduction andumlauting. In addition to influence of other Turkic languages,Uyghur has historically been influenced strongly by Persian andArabic, and more recently by Mandarin Chinese and Russian.Uyghur began being written in the fifth century. TheArabic-derived writing system is the most common and the onlystandard in China, although other writing systems are used forauxiliary and historical purposes. Unlike most Arabic-derivedscripts, the Uyghur Arabic alphabet has mandatory marking of allvowels. Two Latin and one Cyrillic alphabet are also used, thoughto a much lesser extent. The Arabic and Latin alphabets have 32characters, while the Cyrillic alphabet adds two characters ⟨Я⟩ and⟨Ю⟩ to represent the sequences /ja/ and /ju/.The Old Turkic language is an ancient Turkic language used fromthe 7th to 13th centuries in Mongolia and the Xinjiang region, andis especially found among the Orkhon inscriptions and Turpan texts.It is the direct ancestor of the Uyghur Turkic languages, includingUyghur and the Uzbek language. By contrast, the Western Yugurlanguage, although in geographic proximity, is more closely relatedto the Siberian Turkic languages in Siberia.Probably around 1077, a scholar of the Turkic languages, Mahmudal-Kashgari from Kashgar in modern-day Xinjiang, published a Turkiclanguage dictionary and description of the geographic distributionof many Turkic languages, Divān-ul Lughat-ul Turk (English:Compendium of the Turkic Dialects; Uyghur: تۈركى تىللار دىۋانى‎Türki Tillar Divani). The book, described by scholars as an"extraordinary work," documents the rich literary tradition ofTurkic languages; it contains folk tales (including descriptions ofthe functions of shamans) and didactic poetry (propounding "moralstandards and good behaviour"), besides poems and poetry cycles ontopics such as hunting and love, and numerous other languagematerials.Old Turkic, through the influence of Perso-Arabic after the 13thcentury, developed into the Chagatai language, a literary languageused all across Central Asia until the early 20th century. AfterChaghatai fell into extinction, the standard versions of Uyghur andUzbek were developed from dialects in the Chagatai-speaking region,showing abundant Chaghatai influence. Uyghur language today showsconsiderable Persian influence as a result from Chagatai, includingnumerous Persian loanwords.The historical term "Uyghur" was appropriated for the languageformerly known as Eastern Turki by government officials in theSoviet Union in 1922 and in Xinjiang in 1934. Sergey Malov wasbehind the idea of renaming Turki to Uyghurs.(ئۇيغۇرچە‎, Uyghurche)
Mandarin Radio Mandarin Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Mandarin Radios app. In Chinese linguistics,Mandarin refers to a group of related varieties or dialects spokenacross most of northern and southwestern China. Because mostMandarin dialects are found in the north, the group is alsoreferred to, particularly among Chinese speakers, as the "northerndialect(s)" (simplified Chinese: 北方话; traditional Chinese: 北方 話;pinyin: Běifānghuà). A northeastern-dialect speaker and asouthwestern-dialect speaker can hardly communicate except throughthe standard language, mainly because of the differences in tone.Nonetheless, the variation within Mandarin is less significant thanthe much greater variation found within several other varieties ofChinese, and this is thought to be due to a relatively recentspread of Mandarin across China, combined with a greater ease oftravel and communication compared to the more mountainous south ofChina.Mandarin dialects, particularly the Beijing dialect, form thebasis of Standard Chinese, which is also referred to "Mandarin"(also referred to as Putonghua (simplified Chinese: 普通话;traditional Chinese: 普通話; pinyin: Pǔtōnghuà; literally "commonspeech") or Guoyu (Chinese: 國語; pinyin: Guóyǔ; literally "nationallanguage")). Standard Chinese or Standard Mandarin is the officiallanguage of the People's Republic of China and the Republic ofChina and one of the four official languages of Singapore. When theMandarin group is taken as one language, as is often done inacademic literature, it has more native speakers (nearly a billion)than does any other language. For most of Chinese history, thecapital has been within the Mandarin area, making these dialectsvery influential. Since the early 20th century, a form ofstandardized Mandarin (described above) has been the official andde facto national standard language in China and it is today one ofthe most frequently used varieties of Chinese among Chinesediaspora communities internationally.(simplified Chinese: 官话; traditional Chinese: 官話; pinyin:Guānhuà; literally "speech of officials")
Punjabi Radio Sher-E-Punjab 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Sher-E-Punjab Radio is fast-growing PunjabiRadio in Vancouver. Sher-E-Punjab is a 24 hour radio broadcasterfocused on Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Punjabi speaking South Asianpopulation. Sher-E-Punjab Radio broadcasts Punjabi Radio, SikhValues, Sikhism, Gurdwara News, Kirtan, and Gurbani Viachaar. Youcan listen to Punjabi songs, Punjabi talk shows, and Punjabi news.The station promotes Khalsa rehat maryada, Gurmukhi, and Punjabiculture. Sher-E-Punjab Radio is headquartered at address Unit #1228- 20800 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC, V6V 2W3. This station can bereached at On Air: 604-247-1550, Office: 604-271-1550. Office Hours9 AM - 5 PM Monday to Friday.Sher-E-Punjab Team:-CEO:Sardar Ajit Singh BadhGeneral Manager:Jasbir Singh BadhHost of Awaaz-E-Punjab:Prof. Gurvinder Singh DhaliwalHost of Punjabi-E-Zubane:Surinderjit Singh BainsNews Reporter / Host of Desi Gaane Desi Gallan:Nimmi DaulaTraffic Reporter:Navtej SidhuHost of Gurbani Vichar and Dilaan Di Sanjh:Kuldip SinghHost of the Deep Kiran Show:Kiran AulakhHost of Des Aur Pardes:Kashmir S. JandaCo-Host of Political Rung with Mike de Jong:Jas GillHost of Lok Sath:Harjit Singh GillHost of Geetan Bhari Peetari:Gurpal MannHost of Sabrang:Gurmit AthwalNews Reporter:Gurbaj BrarHost of Bol Mitti Deya Baveya:Dr. Raminder Pal S. KangHost of Shamadaan:Dr. Jasbir Singh RomanaBusiness, Sports and Entertainment Reporter:Sunny SinghNews Reporter:Diljeet Singh BrarHost of Gurbani Vichaar and Sanje Dharkan:Bhupinder Singh DhamiAccount Executive:DJ RanaCopyright © 2008-2012 AM 1550 Sher-E-Punjab Radio BroadcastingServices Inc. All rights reserved
Punjabi Radio - Desi Bollywood 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Punjabi Radios app. Punjabi is an Indo-Aryanlanguage spoken by inhabitants of the historical Punjab region(north western India and eastern Pakistan). In Pakistan, Punjabi isthe most widely spoken language. Punjabi can be subdivided into twovarieties, known as Eastern Punjabi and Western Punjabi. Accordingto the Ethnologue 2005 estimate, there are 88 million nativespeakers of the Punjabi language, which makes it approximately the10th most widely spoken language in the world. According to the2008 Census of Pakistan, there are 76,335,300 native Punjabispeakers in Pakistan and according to the 2001 Census of India,there are 29,102,477 Punjabi speakers in India. The Punjabilanguage has many different dialects, spoken in the differentsub-regions of greater Punjab. The Majhi dialect is Punjabi'sprestige dialect. This dialect is considered as textbook Punjabiand is spoken in the historical region of Majha, centralizing inLahore and Amritsar. Along with Lahnda and Western Paharilanguages, Punjabi is unusual among modern Indo-European languagesbecause it is a tonal language. For Sikhs, the Punjabi languagestands as the official language in which all ceremonies take place.21 February is celebrated as "Mother Tongue Punjabi" Day in Punjabidiaspora. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded during the15th century in the Punjab region, by Guru Nanak Dev [3] andcontinued to progress with ten successive Sikh gurus (the lastteaching being the holy scripture Gurū Granth Sāhib Ji). It is thefifth-largest organized religion in the world, with over 30 millionSikhs[4] and one of the most steadily growing. This system ofreligious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known asthe Gurmat (literally 'of the gurus'). Punjab of India is the onlyregion in the world with a majority Sikh population. Sikhs areexpected to embody the qualities of a "Sant-Sipahie"—asaint-soldier. One must have control over one's internal vices andbe able to be constantly immersed in virtues clarified in the GuruGranth Sahib. A Sikh must also have the courage to defend therights of all who are wrongfully oppressed or persecutedirrespective of religion, colour, caste or creed. The principalbeliefs of Sikhi are faith and justice, in Waheguru—represented bythe phrase ik ōaṅkār, meaning one God. Sikhi advocates the pursuitof salvation through personal meditation on the name and message ofGod. The followers of Sikhi are ordained to follow the teachings ofthe ten Sikh gurus, or enlightened leaders, as well as the holyscripture entitled the Gurū Granth Sāhib Ji, which, along with thewritings of six of the ten Sikh Gurus.Abrar-ul-Haq, Alam Lohar, Alfaaz, Aman Hayer, Amar SinghChamkila, Amrinder Gill, Anamika, Anurag Malik, Anurag MalikApache Indian, Arif Lohar, Arvind Kumar, Asa Singh MastanaAttaullah Khan Essa Khailwi, Baba Sehgal, Babbu Mann, Bally Sagoo,Bhagwant Maan, Bikram Singh, Binde Shah, Channi SinghDaler Mehndi, Didar Sandhu, Diljit Dosanjh, Dr Madan Gopal Singh,Foji Gill, Gippy Grewal, Gurdas Maan, Hadiqa Kiyani,Hans Raj Hans, Harbhajan Maan, Harjit Harman, Harshdeep KaurH-Dhami, Honey Singh, Imran Khan, Jagjit Singh, Jasbir Jassi,Jaspal Bhatti, Jaspinder Narula, Jassi Sidhu, Jaswinder Brar, JawadAhmad, Jaz Dhami, Jazzy B, Kamal HeerKanth Kaler, Kiran Ahluwalia, Kuldeep Manak, Kulwinder Dhillon,Labh Janjua, Lal Chand Yamla Jatt, Lehmber Hussainpuri, MalkitSingh, Mallika Jyoti, Manmohan Waris, Mansoor Ali Malangi, MasterSaleem, Mika Singh, Miss Pooja,Mona Singh, Nachhatar Gill, Nirmal Sidhu, Noor Jehan, Nusrat FatehAli Khan, Pammi Bai, Sarbjit Cheema, Sardool Sikander, SatinderSartaj, Satinder Satti, Sazi Judge, Shamshad Begum, Shazia Manzoor,Shingara Singh, Soni Pabla, Sukhbir, Sukhwinder Singh, SukshinderShinda, Surinder KaurSurinder Shinda, Surj Sahota Surjit Bindrakhia Yudhvir Manak(ਪੰਜਾਬੀ/پنجابی)
Turkish Radio Turkish Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Turkish Radios app. Turkish is a languagespoken as a native language by over 83 million people worldwide,making it the most commonly spoken of the Turkic languages. Itsspeakers are located predominantly in Turkey and Northern Cypruswith smaller groups in Iraq, Greece, Bulgaria, the Republic ofMacedonia, Kosovo[a], Albania and other parts of Eastern Europe.Turkish is also spoken by several million people of immigrantorigin in Western Europe, particularly in Germany.The roots of the language can be traced to Central Asia, withthe first known written records dating back nearly 1,300 years. Tothe west, the influence of Ottoman Turkish—the variety of theTurkish language that was used as the administrative and literarylanguage of the Ottoman Empire—spread as the Ottoman Empireexpanded. In 1928, as one of Atatürk's Reforms in the early yearsof the Republic of Turkey, the Ottoman script was replaced with aLatin alphabet. Concurrently, the newly founded Turkish LanguageAssociation initiated a drive to reform and standardize thelanguage.The distinctive characteristics of Turkish are vowel harmony andextensive agglutination. The basic word order of Turkish issubject–object–verb. Turkish has no noun classes or grammaticalgender. Turkish has a strong T-V distinction and usage ofhonorifics. Turkish uses second-person pronouns that distinguishvarying levels of politeness, social distance, age, courtesy orfamiliarity toward the addressee. The plural second-person pronounand verb forms are used referring to a single person out ofrespect. On occasion, double plural second-person "sizler" may beused to refer to a much-respected person.Türkçe, also referred to as Istanbul TurkishTurkish is a member of the Oghuz group of languages, a subgroupof the Turkic languages. There is a high degree of mutualintelligibility between Turkish and the other Oghuz languages,including Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Qashqai, Gagauz, and Balkan GagauzTurkish. The Turkic family comprises some 30 living languagesspoken across Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Siberia. Somelinguists believe the Turkic languages to be a part of a largerAltaic language family. About 40% of all speakers of Turkiclanguages are native Turkish speakers. The characteristic featuresof Turkish, such as vowel harmony, agglutination, and lack ofgrammatical gender, are universal within the Turkic family and theAltaic languages.The earliest known Turkic inscriptions are the two monumentalOrkhon inscriptions found in modern Mongolia. Erected in honour ofthe prince Kul Tigin and his brother Emperor Bilge Khan, and datingback to some time between 732 and 735, they constitute anotherimportant early record. After the discovery and excavation of thesemonuments and associated stone slabs by Russian archaeologists inthe wider area surrounding the Orkhon Valley between 1889 and 1893,it became established that the language on the inscriptions was theOld Turkic language written using the Orkhon script, which has alsobeen referred to as "Turkic runes" or "runiform" due to asuperficial similarity to the Germanic runic alphabets.[12]With the Turkic expansion during Early Middle Ages (c. 6th–11thcenturies), peoples speaking Turkic languages spread across CentralAsia, covering a vast geographical region stretching from Siberiato Europe and the Mediterranean. The Seljuqs of the Oghuz Turks, inparticular, brought their language, Oghuz Turkic—the directancestor of today's Turkish language—into Anatolia during the 11thcentury. Also during the 11th century, an early linguist of theTurkic languages, Mahmud al-Kashgari from the Kara-Khanid Khanate,published the first comprehensive Turkic language dictionary andmap of the geographical distribution of Turkic speakers in theCompendium of the Turkic Dialects (Ottoman Turkish: DivânüLügati't-Türk).
Svenska Radio Svenska Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Svenska Radios app. Swedish is a NorthGermanic language, spoken by approximately 10 million people,predominantly in Sweden and parts of Finland, especially along itscoast and on the Åland islands. It is largely mutually intelligiblewith Norwegian and Danish (see Classification). Along with theother North Germanic languages, Swedish is a descendant of OldNorse, the common language of the Germanic peoples living inScandinavia during the Viking Era. It is currently the largest ofthe North Germanic languages by numbers of speakers.Standard Swedish, used by most Swedish people, is the nationallanguage that evolved from the Central Swedish dialects in the 19thcentury and was well established by the beginning of the 20thcentury. While distinct regional varieties descended from the olderrural dialects still exist, the spoken and written language isuniform and standardized. Some dialects differ considerably fromthe standard language in grammar and vocabulary and are not alwaysmutually intelligible with Standard Swedish. These dialects areconfined to rural areas and are spoken primarily by small numbersof people with low social mobility. Though not facing imminentextinction, such dialects have been in decline during the pastcentury, despite the fact that they are well researched and theiruse is often encouraged by local authorities.The standard word order is subject–verb–object, though this canoften be changed to stress certain words or phrases. Swedishmorphology is similar to English; that is, words have comparativelyfew inflections. There are two genders, two grammatical cases, anda distinction between plural and singular. Older analyses posit thecases nominative and genitive and there are some remains ofdistinct accusative and dative forms as well. Adjectives arecompared as in English, and are also inflected according to gender,number and definiteness. The definiteness of nouns is markedprimarily through suffixes (endings), complemented with separatedefinite and indefinite articles. The prosody features both stressand in most dialects tonal qualities. The language has acomparatively large vowel inventory. Swedish is also notable forthe voiceless dorso-palatal velar fricative, a highly variableconsonant phoneme.svenska
German Radio German Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
German Radios app. German or Deutsch is a WestGermanic language related to and classified alongside English andDutch. With an estimated 90 – 98 million native speakers, German isone of the world's major languages and is the most widely-spokenfirst language in the European Union.Most German vocabulary is derived from the Germanic branch ofthe Indo-European language family. Significant minorities of wordsare derived from Latin and Greek, with a smaller amount from Frenchand English.
Thai Radio Thai Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Thai Radios app. Thai is the national andofficial language of Thailand and the native language of the Thaipeople, Thailand's dominant ethnic group. Thai is a member of theTai group of the Tai–Kadai language family. Some words in Thai areborrowed from Pali, Sanskrit and Old Khmer. It is a tonal andanalytic language. Thai also has a complex orthography andrelational markers. Thai is mutually intelligible with Lao.Thai is the official language of Thailand, spoken by over 20million people (2000),[6] Standard Thai is based on the register ofthe educated classes of Bangkok.[7][8] Khorat Thai is spoken byabout 400,000 (1984) in Nakhon Ratchasima; it occupies a linguisticposition somewhere between Siamese Thai and Isan on a dialectcontinuum, and may be considered a variant of either. A majority ofthe people in the Isan region of Thailand speak a dialect of theLao language, which has influenced the Siamese Thaidialect.[citation needed]In addition to Siamese Thai, Thailand is home to other relatedTai languages, including:Isan (Northeastern Thai), the language of the Isan region ofThailand, a socio-culturally distinct Thai–Lao hybriddialect[citation needed] which is written with the Thai script. Itis spoken by about 15 million people (1983).Northern Thai (Phasa Nuea, Lanna, Kam Mueang, or Thai Yuan), spokenby about 6 million (1983) in the formerly independent kingdom ofLanna (Chiang Mai).Southern Thai (Pak Tai), spoken by 4.5 million (2006).Phu Thai, spoken by about half a million around Nakhon PhanomProvince, and 300,000 more in Laos and Vietnam (2006).Phuan, spoken by 200,000 in central Thailand and Isan, and 100,000more in northern Laos (2006).Shan (Thai Luang, Tai Long, Thai Yai), spoken by about 100,000 innorth-west Thailand along the border with the Shan States of Burma,and by 3.2 million in Burma (2006).Lü (Tai Lue, Dai), spoken by about 80,000 (2001) in northernThailand, and 600,000 more in China, Burma, and Laos(1981–2000).Nyaw language, spoken by 50,000 in Nakhon Phanom Province, SakhonNakhon Province, Udon Thani Province of Northeast Thailand(1990)Song, spoken by about 30,000 in central and northern Thailand(2000).Most speakers of dialects and minority languages speak CentralThai as well, since it is the language used in schools anduniversities all across the kingdom.Numerous languages not related to Thai are spoken withinThailand. Near Laos and Burma, ethnic minority hill tribes peoplespeak Hmong–Mien (Yao), Karen, Lisu, and others. Near Cambodia manycommunities speak Khmer, and the Mon-Khmer language variously knownas Suay (ส่วย) Guay or Kuay (กวย) (also spoken in centralSuphanburi province.Siamese Thai is composed of several distinct registers, formsfor different social contexts:Street or common Thai (ภาษาพูด, spoken Thai): informal, withoutpolite terms of address, as used between close relatives andfriends.Elegant or formal Thai (ภาษาเขียน, written Thai): official andwritten version, includes respectful terms of address; used insimplified form in newspapers.Rhetorical Thai: used for public speaking.Religious Thai: (heavily influenced by Sanskrit and Pāli) used whendiscussing Buddhism or addressing monks.Royal Thai (ราชาศัพท์): (influenced by Khmer) used when addressingmembers of the royal family or describing their activities.Most Thais can speak and understand all of these contexts.Street and elegant Thai are the basis of allconversations;[citation needed] rhetorical, religious and royalThai are taught in schools as the national curriculum.(ภาษาไทย Phasa Thai [pʰāːsǎː tʰāj], more precisely Central Thaior Siamese
French Radio French Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
French Radios app. French is a Romancelanguage spoken as a first language in France, the Romandy regionin Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, theprovince of Quebec and the Acadia region in Canada, and by variouscommunities elsewhere. Second-language speakers of French aredistributed throughout many parts of the world, the largest numbersof which reside in Francophone Africa. In Africa, French is mostcommonly spoken in Gabon (where 80% report fluency) Mauritius(78%), Algeria (75%), Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire (70%). French isestimated as having between 70 million and 110 million nativespeakers and 190 million second language speakers. French is thesecond-most studied foreign language in the world, afterEnglish.
Malayalam Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Malayalam Radios app. Malayalam is a languagespoken in India predominantly in the state of Kerala. It is one ofthe 22 scheduled languages of India with official language statusin the state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep andPondicherry. It belongs to the Dravidian family of languages, andis spoken by 50 million people.[citation needed] Malayalam is alsospoken in the Nilgiris district, Kanyakumari district andCoimbatore of Tamil Nadu, Dakshina Kannada, Mangalore and Kodagudistricts of Karnataka. Overseas it is also used by a smallpopulation of Indian expatriates living around the globe.Malayalam most likely originated from Middle Tamil(Sen-Tamil-Malayalam) in the 6th century. An alternative theoryproposes a split in even more ancient times. In either case,Malayalam incorporated many elements from Sanskrit through the agesand today over eighty percent of the vocabulary of Malayalam inscholarly usage is from Sanskrit. Before Malayalam came into being,Old Tamil was used in literature and courts of a region calledTamilakam, including present day Kerala state, a famous examplebeing Silappatikaram.Silappatikaram was written by Chera princeIlango Adigal from Cochin is considered a classic among Sangamliterature. Modern Malayalam still preserves many words from theancient Tamil vocabulary of Sangam literature. The earliest scriptused to write Malayalam was the Vattezhuttu script, and later theKolezhuttu, which derived from it. As Malayalam began to freelyborrow words as well as the rules of grammar from Sanskrit, Granthascript was adopted for writing and came to be known as AryaEzhuttu. This developed into the modern Malayalam script. Manymedieval liturgical texts were written in an admixture of Sanskritand early Malayalam, termed as Manipravalam. The oldest literarywork in Malayalam, distinct from the Tamil tradition, is datedbetween the 9th and 11th century.മലയാളം, malayāḷam
Tamil Radio Tamil Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Tamil Radios app. Tamil is a Dravidianlanguage spoken predominantly by Tamil people of the Indiansubcontinent. It has official status in the Indian state of TamilNadu and in the Indian union territory of Puducherry. Tamil is alsoan official language of Sri Lanka and Singapore. It is one of the22 scheduled languages of India and declared a classical languageby the government of India in 2004. Tamil is also spoken bysignificant minorities in Malaysia and Mauritius as well asemigrant communities around the world.Tamil is one of the longest surviving classical languages in theworld. It has been described as "the only language of contemporaryIndia which is recognizably continuous with a classical past" andhaving "one of the richest literatures in the world". Tamilliterature has existed for over 2000 years. The earliest epigraphicrecords found on rock edicts and hero stones date from around the3rd century BCE. The earliest period of Tamil literature, Sangamliterature, is dated from the 300 BCE – 300 CE. Tamil languageinscriptions written c. 1st century BCE and 2nd century CE havebeen discovered in Egypt, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The two earliestmanuscripts from India, to be acknowledged and registered by UNESCOMemory of the World register in 1997 and 2005 were in Tamil. Morethan 55% of the epigraphical inscriptions (about 55,000) found bythe Archaeological Survey of India are in the Tamil language.According to a 2001 survey, there were 1,863 newspapers publishedin Tamil, of which 353 were dailies. It has the oldest extantliterature amongst other Dravidian languages. The variety andquality of classical Tamil literature has led to its beingdescribed as "one of the great classical traditions and literaturesof the world".(தமிழ், tamiḻ, [t̪ɐmɨɻ] ?)Tamil belongs to the southern branch of the Dravidian languages,a family of around 26 languages native to the Indian subcontinent.It is also classified as being part of a Tamil language family,which alongside Tamil proper, also includes the languages of about35 ethno-linguistic groups such as the Irula, and Yerukulalanguages.The closest major relative of Tamil is Malayalam. Until aboutthe 9th century, Malayalam was a dialect of Tamil. Although many ofthe differences between Tamil and Malayalam demonstrate apre-historic split of the western dialect, the process ofseparation into a distinct language, Malayalam, was not completeduntil sometime in the 13th or 14th century.
Spanish Radio - español radio 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Spanish Radios app. Spanish is a Romancelanguage named for its origins as the native tongue of a largeproportion of the inhabitants of Spain. It is also named Castilian(castellano About this sound listen after the Spanish region ofCastile where it originated. Spanish is the second most nativelyspoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese.In 1999 there were, according to Ethnologue, 358 million peoplespeaking Spanish as a native language and a total of 417 millionspeakers worldwide. Currently these figures are up to 400 and 500million people respectively. Mexico contains the largest populationof Spanish speakers. Spanish is one of the six official languagesof the United Nations, and is used as an official language by theEuropean Union and Mercosur.Spanish is a part of the Ibero-Romance group that evolved fromseveral dialects of spoken Latin in central-northern Iberia aroundthe ninth century and gradually spread with the expansion of theKingdom of Castile (present northern Spain) into central andsouthern Iberia during the later Middle Ages. Early in its history,the Spanish vocabulary was enriched by its contact with Basque andArabic, and the language continues to adopt foreign words from avariety of other languages, as well as developing new words.Spanish was taken most notably to the Americas as well as to Africaand Asia-Pacific with the expansion of the Spanish Empire betweenthe fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, where it became the mostimportant language for government and trade.Due to its increasing presence in the demographics and popularculture of the United States, particularly in the fast-growingstates of the Sun Belt, Spanish is the most popular second languagelearned by native speakers of American English. The increasingpolitical stability and economies of many larger Hispanophonenations, the language's immense geographic extent in Latin Americaand Europe for tourism, and the growing popularity of warmer, moreaffordable, and culturally vibrant retirement destinations found inthe Hispanic world have contributed significantly to the growth oflearning Spanish as a foreign language across the globe.Spanish is the third most commonly used language on the Internetafter English and Mandarin. It is also the second most studiedlanguage and second language in international communication, afterEnglish, in the world.The Spanish Royal Academy, on the other hand, currently uses theterm español in its publications but from 1713 to 1923 called thelanguage castellano.Two etymologies for español have been suggested. The SpanishRoyal Academy Dictionary derives the term from the Provençal wordespaignol, and that in turn from the Medieval Latin wordHispaniolus, 'from—or pertaining to—Hispania'. Other authoritiesattribute it to a supposed medieval Latin *hispaniōne, with thesame meaning. The Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (a languageguide published by the Spanish Royal Academy) states that, althoughthe Spanish Royal Academy prefers to use the term español in itspublications when referring to the Spanish language, both terms,español and castellano, are regarded as synonymous and equallyvalid.The name castellano is preferred in all of Spanish-speakingSouth America except Colombia. The term español is more commonlyused to refer to the language as a whole when relating to a globalcontext.español
Espanol Radio Español Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Espanol Radios app. Spanish is a Romancelanguage named for its origins as the native tongue of a largeproportion of the inhabitants of Spain. It is also named Castilian(castellano About this sound listen after the Spanish region ofCastile where it originated. Spanish is the second most nativelyspoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese.
Urdu Radio Urdu Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Urdu Radios app. Urdu is a register of theHindi-Urdu language that is identified with Muslims in South Asia.Urdu is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It isalso widely spoken in India, where it is one of the 22 scheduledlanguages and an official language of five states. Based on theKhariboli dialect of Delhi, Urdu is derived from Sanskrit anddeveloped under the influence of Persian, Arabic, and Turkic overthe course of almost 900 years. It began to take shape in what isnow Uttar Pradesh, India during the Delhi Sultanate (1206–1527),and continued to develop under the Mughal Empire (1526–1858). Urduis mutually intelligible with Standard Hindi (or Hindi-Urdu) spokenin India. Both languages share the same Indic base and are sosimilar in phonology and grammar that they appear to be onelanguage.[5] The combined population of Hindi and Urdu speakers isthe fourth largest in the world.Mughals hailed from the Barlas tribe which was of Mongol origin,the tribe had embraced Turkic and Persian culture, and resided inTurkestan and Khorasan. Their mother tongue was the Chaghatailanguage (known to them as Turkī, "Turkic") and they were equallyat home in Persian, the lingua franca of the Timurid elite. butafter their arrival in the Indian subcontinent, the need tocommunicate with local inhabitants led to use of Indic languageswritten in the Persian alphabet, with some literary conventions andvocabulary retained from Persian and Turkic; this eventually becamea new standard called Hindustani, which is the direct predecessorof Urdu. Urdu is often contrasted with Hindi. Apart from religiousassociations, the differences are largely restricted to thestandard forms: Standard Urdu is conventionally written in theNastaliq style of the Persian alphabet and relies heavily onPersian and Arabic as a source for technical and literaryvocabulary, whereas Standard Hindi is conventionally written inDevanāgarī and draws on Sanskrit. However, both have large numbersof Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit words, and most linguists considerthem to be two standardized forms of the same language, andconsider the differences to be sociolinguistic, though a fewclassify them separately. Mutual intelligibility decreases inliterary and specialized contexts which rely on educatedvocabulary. Due to religious nationalism since the partition ofBritish India and continued communal tensions, native speakers ofboth Hindi and Urdu frequently assert them to be completelydistinct languages, despite the numerous similarities between thetwo in a colloquial setting. However, it is quite easy todistinguish differences in vocabulary.The word Urdu is derived from the same Turkish word that hasgiven English horde. Urdu arose in the contact situation whichdeveloped from the invasions of the Indian subcontinent by Turkicdynasties from the 11th century onwards, first as Sultan Mahmud ofthe Ghaznavid empire conquered Punjab in the early 11th century,then when the Ghurids invaded northern India in the 12th century,and most decisively with the establishment of the DelhiSultanate.The official language of the Ghurids, Delhi Sultanate, theMughal Empire, and their successor states, as well as the culturedlanguage of poetry and literature, was Persian, while the languageof religion was Arabic. Most of the Sultans and nobility in theSultanate period were Turks from Central Asia who spoke Turkic astheir mother tongue. The Mughals were also Chagatai, but lateradopted Persian. Muzaffar Alam asserts that Persian became thelingua franca of the empire under Akbar for various political andsocial factors due to its non-sectarian and fluid nature. However,the armies, merchants, preachers, Sufis, and later the court, alsoincorporated the local people and the medieval Hindu literarylanguage, Braj Bhasha.Urdu: اردو
Harman Radio, Sydney,Australia 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Harman Radio was established in June 2005, inSydney by Amandeep Singh Sidhu, a successful farmer and anentrepreneur. It is named after his eldest son Harmandeep and namesuits channel's popularity as well.Amandeep was voluntarily running first and only weekly Punjabiprogram in rural region of Coffs Harbour (NSW), famous asWoolgoolga, the village of first Punjabi/Indian settlement inAustralia. The program was a huge success in distributinginformation, entertainment and running community programs.Since year 2000 Australia is experiencing a huge migration boomfrom Indian subcontinent especially from Punjab. The streets of bigcities like Melbourne and Sydney never seen a big number of Indianyouth ever before. For the large population of Indians in foreignland there was a need of community based radio channel. Amandeeptried his best to convert this need into an opportunity to servethe community and mother tongue . He started working on this biggergoal.There was 3 stage plan to start 24 hour broadcasting in Sydney,Melbourne and Brisbane. There were number of limitations at firststage. The biggest was lack of spectrum availability in major cityfor specific language broadcasting(and it still is). After lot ofresearch, side band of FM channel was chosen which is more commonlyknown as 'chip radio' in Canada and subscription model was chosen.Teams were formed which took various responsibilities such asstudio building, instrumentation, quality control, advisory, etc.Program structure and content was discussed and planned. The first24 hour test broadcast covering Sydney was conducted on 3rd July2006. The official live launch was on 29th September, 2006.Programs improved day by day and more concepts were launched.Harman Radio was the channel which exclusively targeted Indianaudiences for 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Having studio andcorporate office in Sydney, studios in Melbourne and Muktsar(Punjab), we broadcasted all across Sydney and Melbourne in Punjabiand Hindi. We also feel proud for being the first ever to livebroadcast of Sports, Cultural and Religious activities of Indianorigin in Australia. Being pioneers within the industry, we alsocontributed to the Indian community businesses by promoting theirproducts and services on our Radio.Day at Harman Radio would start with Gurbani at 4 am with Asa DiVaar, followed by morning Gurbani, Shabad Kirtan and Katha till 8am. 8.00 to 9.00am was Bhajan followed by the morning program whichincludes live news from Australia and India, Traffic, Weather,requests, etc. During day, theme based programs such as "ApniSaanjh" based on northern India's History, Literature and Poetry,"Heer Majajan" based on Punjabi Boliyan, "Matinee Masala" based onBollywood Commentaries and Stories, etc were very popular.Time from 3.00 to 5:00pm was set for afternoon programs withdifferent themes everyday. At five, the live news bulletin was muchanticipated by the listeners. 5:30 to 7:00pm was the most listenedtime slot in which we had evening Gurbani program which includedRehras Shabads, Dharmik Geet, Viakhia, Hukamnama Sahib andReligious announcements. Following Live news were evening Programswhich included "Mix it Up" for youth, Bollywood mix, Deson Pardes,Patari, etc. Talk back programs such as "Baatan te Bhujartaan",Current affairs during weekdays, Fulwari on Sunday morning, GuppShupp, etc. "Khed Tarag" sports program were designed to give voiceto community and were very successful.Repeat programs from weekdays were also played during theweekends.People joined in for their presentations. Harman radio provide aplatform for Local Australian Punjabi youth to show their talentand capability as presenters, newsreader and in technical support.Extensive training was provided by experienced presenters of Harmanradio to new presenters willing to contribute for community and ourlanguage.
Radio India Surrey BC 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Radio India has been on the air since August,1999. We are dedicated to broadcasting quality programming to thesouth Asian community worldwide in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu andEnglish. Currently, we are broadcasting programs that include Newsin Punjabi and Hindi, Talk Shows, the lastest South Asian Musicincluding Bollywood, Bhangra, Pop and much more.Address:#201, 12830-80 Ave.,Surrey, B.C., V3S 3M6, CanadaTelephone:(604)592-9191(604)592-9494Fax:(604)592-9091Email:info@radioindialtd.comsales@radioindialtd.commsgill@radioindialtd.comRadio India provides a comprehensive service to the South AsianCommunity including a variety of South Asian Music ranging fromClassical to the latest South Asian Hit Music. We also feature• News updates 12 times daily• Informative and lively talk & debate shows• Informational segments• Public Service Announcements in Punjabi, Hindi Urdu and Englishlanguages.In the lower mainland of British Columbia and in some areas ofWashington State (USA), you can enjoy these programs live on KVRI1600 AM.
Tatar Radio Tatar Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Tatar Radios app. The Tatar language is aTurkic language spoken by the Tatars of historical Kazan Khanate,including modern Tatarstan and Bashkiria. It should not be confusedwith the Crimean Tatar language, to which it is remotely related.Tatar is spoken in Russia (about 5.3 million people), CentralAsia, Ukraine, Poland, China, Finland, Turkey and othercountries.Tatar is also native for some thousands of Maris. Mordva'sQaratay group also speak Tatar. 94% of ethnic Tatar claimedknowledge of Tatar language during the 2002 census.Tatar, along with Russian, is the official language of theRepublic of Tatarstan. The official script of Tatar language isbased on the Cyrillic script with some additional letters.Sometimes other scripts are used, mostly Latin and Arabic. Allofficial sources in Tatarstan use Cyrillic at their web-sites andpublishing. In other cases, where Tatar has no official status, theuse of a specific alphabet depends on the preference of the author.Guides in Tatarstan are published in two alphabets.The Tatar language was made a de facto official language inRussia in 1917, but only in the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic.Tatar is also considered the official language in short-livedIdel-Ural State, briefly formed during the Russian Civil War. Oneshould note, however, that Bolshevist Russia did not recognizeofficial languages as such; however, there were a number oflanguages that could be used in trial in some republics. In theSoviet era, Tatar was such a language[citation needed] inBashkortostan, Mari El and other regions of the Russian SFSR.The usage of Tatar declined from the 1930s onwards. In the 1980sit was not studied in city schools, not even by Tatar pupils.Although the language was used in rural schools, Tatar-speakingpupils had little chance to enter a university, because all highereducation was in Russian.Tatar is no longer classified as an endangered language,[3]although it is still a low prestige language. Higher education inTatar can only be found in Tatarstan, and is restricted to thehumanities. In other regions Tatar is primarily a spoken languageand the number of speakers as well as their proficiency tends todecrease. Tatar is popular as a written language only inTatar-speaking areas where schools with Tatar language lessons aresituated. On the other hand, Tatar is the only language in use inrural districts of Tatarstan.татар теле, татарча, tatar tele, tatarça), or more specificallyKazan Tatar
Arabic Radio Arabic Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Arabic Radios App. Arabic is a name applied tothe descendants of the Classical Arabic language of the 6th centuryCE. This includes both the literary language (Modern StandardArabic or Literary Arabic, used in most written documents as wellas in formal spoken occasions, such as lectures and radiobroadcasts) and the spoken Arabic varieties, spoken in a wide arcof territory stretching across the Middle East and North Africa.Arabic is a Central Semitic language, most closely related toHebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic and Phoenician. Written Arabic isdistinct from and more conservative than all of the spokenvarieties, and the two exist in a state known as diglossia, usedside-by-side for different societal functions.
Yiddish Radio Yiddish Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Yiddish Radios app. Yiddish is a High Germanlanguage of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world.It developed as a fusion of German dialects with Hebrew, Slaviclanguages and traces of Romance languages. It is written in theHebrew alphabet.The language originated in the Ashkenazi culture that developedfrom about the 10th century in the Rhineland and then spread toCentral and Eastern Europe and eventually to other continents. Inthe earliest surviving references to it, the language is calledלשון־אַשכּנז (loshn-ashknez = "language of Ashkenaz") and טײַטש(taytsh, a variant of tiutsch, the contemporary name for thelanguage otherwise spoken in the region of origin, now calledMiddle High German). In common usage, the language is calledמאַמע־לשון (mame-loshn, literally "mother tongue"), distinguishingit from Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, which are collectively termedלשון־קודש (loshn-koydesh, "holy tongue"). The term "Yiddish" didnot become the most frequently used designation in the literatureof the language until the 18th century.For a significant portion of its history, Yiddish was theprimary spoken language of the Ashkenazi Jews and once spanned abroad dialect continuum from Western Yiddish to three major groupswithin Eastern Yiddish, namely Litvish, Poylish and Ukrainish.Eastern and Western Yiddish are most markedly distinguished by theextensive inclusion of words of Slavic origin in the Easterndialects. While Western Yiddish has few remaining speakers, Easterndialects remain in wide use.Yiddish is written and spoken in many Orthodox Jewishcommunities around the world, although there are also a number ofOrthodox Jews who do not know Yiddish. It is a home language inmost Hasidic communities, where it is the first language learned inchildhood, used in schools and in many social settings. Yiddish isalso the academic language of the study of the Talmud according tothe tradition of the great Lithuanian Yeshivohs.Yiddish is also used in the adjectival sense to designateattributes of Ashkenazic Jewish culture (for example, Yiddishcooking and Yiddish music).The Ashkenazi culture that took root in 10th century CentralEurope derived its name from Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3), the medievalHebrew name for the territory centred on what is now thewesternmost part of Germany. Its geographic extent did not coincidewith the German Christian principalities; Ashkenaz includedNorthern France. It also bordered on the area inhabited by theSephardim, or Spanish Jews, which ranged into Southern France.Ashkenazi culture later spread into Eastern Europe.The first language of European Jews may have been Aramaic,[5]the vernacular of the Jews in Roman-era Palestine and ancient andearly medieval Mesopotamia. The widespread use of Aramaic among thelarge non-Jewish Syrian trading population of the Roman provinces,including those in Europe, would have reinforced the use of Aramaicamong Jews engaged in trade. In Roman times, many of the Jewsliving in Rome and Southern Italy appear to have beenGreek-speakers, and this is reflected in some Ashkenazi personalnames (e.g., Kalonymus). Much work needs to be done, though, tofully analyze the contributions of those languages to Yiddish.Nothing is known about the vernacular of the earliest Jews inGermany, but several theories have been put forward. It isgenerally accepted that it was likely to have contained elementsfrom other languages of the Near East and Europe, absorbed throughdispersion. Since many settlers came via France and Italy, it isalso likely that the Romance-based Jewish languages of thoseregions were represented. Traces remain in the contemporary Yiddishvocabulary: for example, בענטשן (bentshn, to bless), from the Latinbenedicere; לייענען (leyenen, to read), from the Latin legere; andthe personal names Anshl, cognate to Angel or Angelo; Bunim(probably from "bon homme").(ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish")
Radio Dil Apna Punjabi 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Welcome to EkNoor.net or Radio Dil ApnaPunjabi, a portal on punjabi culture. Ek-Noor Entertainmentpresents Radio Dil Apna Punjabi every Friday night from 12:00 AM to8:00 AM on CJMR 1320 AM. The show is hosted by two prominentpunjabi personalities Mr. Tirath Pasla and Mr Manmohan Sajjan.EkNoor entertainment promotes Punjabi Culture, Values, Traditionsand Beliefs. This is a small effort by us to exhibit the PunjabiCulture and its Diversity to the people all over the globe. Theword Punjabi does not only feature Sikhs but all the inhabitants ofthe Punjab whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians.This diversity has made Punjabi Culture very rich. It hasinculcated tolerance in the people and it is the power which haskept the Punjabis together through thick and thin, whether they arein India or abroad. EkNoor exhibits this diversity and hence can becalled a symbol of Punjabiyat. So, be proud and say DIL APNAPUNJABI.At EkNoor, you can listen to Punjabi Songs, read ReligiousBooks, get to know about the Historical Events of Punjab. There isa section where you can get some information about Sikh Gurus.Apart from all this, we also provide you the links to the websitesof the most popular Punjabi Newspapers. The Apna Virsa sectiontakes us back to our culture. We have tried to take you through ajourney to the roots of Punjab. Although the Punjabi Culture isbeyond our scope, this section gives you an insight into thepractices of the old punjab. At EkNoor, you can get goodinformation about Folk Songs of Punjab, Folk Dances of Punjab suchas Bhangra or Giddha , Phulkari, Traditional Ornaments, TraditionalToys and Games of Punjab , Traditional Punjabi Musical Instuments ,Punjabi Literature, Arts and Crafts, Fairs & Festivals ofPunjab.Although the branches of the EkNoor Tree are in Canada, but itsroots are very much in Punjab. The main reason of the existance ofEkNoor is to make the Punjabi Community living outside India awareabout their background, culture, traditions and beliefs. Dil ApnaPunjabi, an online radio, is also an attempt through which peopleof Canada, especially Toronto, are brought close to their culture.You can also visit our sister site Lokesewa.com. We stronglyrequest all the people to propagate & encourage the use of oursweet Punjabi language at home so that our coming generation knowsits roots.A latest offering from the EkNoor entertainment for thepunjabi's all over the world - RADIO EKNOOR, a radio meant forreligious audience. Now you can listen to gurbani any time on thisdedicated radio channel. It is a small effort from our side toserve the people.Do you want anything else in this website? Please let us know.Do you have a writer in you? We can help you by giving you aplatform to showcase your talent. We would like to have suggestionsof our esteemed readers to further expand our EkNoor.If possible, please help us financially and contribute in ourefforts to serve you better.
Wolof Radio Wolof Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Wolof Radios app. Wolof is a language ofSenegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania, and the native language of theWolof people. Like the neighbouring languages Serer and Fula, itbelongs to the Senegambian branch of the Niger–Congo languagefamily. Unlike most other languages of Sub-Saharan Africa, Wolof isnot a tonal language.Wolof originated as the language of the Lebou people. It is themost widely spoken language in Senegal, spoken natively by theWolof people (40% of the population) but also by most otherSenegalese as a second language. Wolof dialects vary geographicallyand between rural and urban areas. "Dakar-Wolof", for instance, isan urban mixture of Wolof, French, and Arabic."Wolof" is the standard spelling, and may refer to the Wolofpeople or to Wolof culture. Older French publications may use thespelling Ouolof, and some English publications Wollof,predominantly referring to (anglophone) Gambian Wolof. Prior to the20th century, the forms Volof and Olof were used.Wolof words in English are believed to include yam, from Wolofnyami "to eat food", and hip or hep, as hip cat, from Wolof hepikat"one who has his eyes open" or "one who is aware".Wolof is spoken by more than 10 million people and about 40percent (approximately 5 million people) of Senegal's populationspeak Wolof as their native language. Increased mobility, andespecially the growth of the capital Dakar, created the need for acommon language: today, an additional 40 percent of the populationspeak Wolof as a second or acquired language. In the whole regionfrom Dakar to Saint-Louis, and also west and southwest of Kaolack,Wolof is spoken by the vast majority of the people. Typically whenvarious ethnic groups in Senegal come together in cities and towns,they speak Wolof. It is therefore spoken in almost every regionaland departmental capital in Senegal. Nevertheless, the officiallanguage of Senegal is French.As stated above, great care should be taken when forming anopinion based on the figures prescribed here. These figures aremisleading because other tribes who have been Wolofized and speakthe Wolof language are added to this figure when in fact they arenot Wolofs at all.[4] Furthermore, not only is Serer and Fula justlike Wolof etc. recognised and taught in schools, not everyonespeaks or understands Wolof. There are Serers, Fulas, Mandinkas,Jolas etc. who cannot speak or understand Wolof. Moreover, not onlyWolof people live in cities and towns. There are cities and townswhich are predominantly Serers just as there are cities and townswhich are predominantly Wolofs. Furthermore, there are Wolofvillages just as there are Serer villages.In the Gambia, about three percent of the population speak Wolofas a first language, but Wolof has a disproportionate influencebecause of its prevalence in Banjul, the Gambia's capital, where 25percent of the population use it as a first language. InSerrekunda, the Gambia's largest town, although only a tinyminority are ethnic Wolofs, approximately 10 percent of thepopulation speaks and/or understands Wolof. The official languageof the Gambia is English; Mandinka (40 percent), Wolof (7 percent)and Fula (15 percent) are as yet not used in formal education.In Mauritania, about seven percent (approximately 185,000people) of the population speak Wolof. There, the language is usedonly around the southern coastal regions. Mauritania's officiallanguage is Arabic; French is used as a lingua franca in additionto Wolof and Arabic.
Sinhala Radio Sinhala Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Sinhala Radios app. Sinhala is the mothertongue of the Sinhalese people, who make up the largest ethnicgroup in Sri Lanka, numbering about 15 million. Sinhala is alsospoken by other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, totalling about 3million. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Europeanlanguages. Sinhala is one of the official and national languages ofSri Lanka, along with Tamil. Along with Pali, Sinhala plays a majorrole in the development of Theravada Buddhism.Sinhala has its own writing system, the Sinhala alphabet, whichis a member of the Brahmic family of scripts, and a descendant ofthe ancient Indian Brahmi script.The oldest Sinhala inscriptions found are from the 6th centuryBCE, on pottery; the oldest existing literary works date from the9th century CE.The closest relative of Sinhala is the language of the Maldivesand Minicoy Island (India), Dhivehi.සිංහල, ISO 15919: siṁhala, pronounced [ˈsiŋɦələ]), also known asSinhalese (older spelling: Singhalese) in English, or locally asHelabasa
Radio Eknoor 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Radio Eknoor broadcasts Guru Granth Sahib jiPaath. Ek-Noor Entertainment presents radio - DIL APNA PUNJABI, a24 hour channel of the Punjabi's, by the Punjabi's & for thePunjabi's. The show is hosted by prominent punjabi personalitieslike Tirath Pasla, Parminder Sidhu & Prabhjeet Singh. EkNoorentertainment promotes Punjabi Culture, Values, Traditions andBeliefs. This is a small effort by us to exhibit the PunjabiCulture and its Diversity to the people all over the globe. Theword Punjabi does not only feature Sikhs but all the inhabitants ofthe Punjab whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians.This diversity has made Punjabi Culture very rich. It hasinculcated tolerance in the people and it is the power which haskept the Punjabis together through thick and thin, whether they arein India or abroad. EkNoor exhibits this diversity and hence can becalled a symbol of Punjabiyat. So, be proud and say DIL APNAPUNJABI.Eknoor RadioA latest offering from the EkNoor entertainment forthe punjabi's all over the world - RADIO EKNOOR, a radio meant forreligious audience. Now you can listen to gurbani any time on thisdedicated radio channel. It is a small effort from our side toserve the people.
Serbian Radio Serbian Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Serbian Radios app. Serbian is a form ofSerbo-Croatian spoken by Serbs in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Hungary, Slovenia,Romania, Greece, Slovakia and Czech Republic.The dialect serving as the basis for the main literary andstandard language is Shtokavian, which is also the basis ofstandard Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin. In particular, Serbianis standardized around Šumadija-Vojvodina and Eastern Herzegoviniansubdialects of Shtokavian. The Torlakian dialect of Serbian isspoken in southeast Serbia, and is not standardized, as itrepresents transitional form to Macedonian and Bulgarian.Serbo-Croatian is the only European language with activedigraphia, using both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. The Bosnian andSerbian varieties use both alphabets while the Croatian varietyuses only the Latin alphabet. The Serbian Cyrillic alphabet wasdevised in 1814 by Serbian linguist Vuk Karadžić, who created thealphabet on phonemic principles. The Latin alphabet was designed byCroatian linguist Ljudevit Gaj in 1830.Serbian Cyrillic: српски , Latin: srpski
Lithuanian Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Lithuanian Radios app. Lithuanian is theofficial state language of Lithuania and is recognized as one ofthe official languages of the European Union. There are about 2.9million native Lithuanian speakers in Lithuania and about 300 000abroad. Lithuanian is a Baltic language, closely related toLatvian, although they are not mutually intelligible. It is writtenin a Latin alphabet. The Lithuanian language is believed to be themost conservative living Indo-European language, retaining manyfeatures of Proto Indo-European now lost in other Indo-Europeanlanguages.(lietuvių kalba)
Italian Radio Italian Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Italian Radios app. Italian is a Romancelanguage spoken mainly in Europe: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino,Vatican City, by minorities in Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Slovenia,France, Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia, and by immigrant communitiesin the Americas and Australia. Many speakers are native bilingualsof both standardised Italian and other regional languages.According to the Bologna statistics of the European Union,Italian is spoken as a mother tongue by 65 million people in the EU(13% of the EU population), mainly in Italy, and as a secondlanguage by 14 million (3%). Including the Italian speakers innon-EU European countries (such as Switzerland and Albania) and onother continents, the total number of speakers is more than 85million.
Albanian Radio Albanian Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Albanian Radios. Albanian is an Indo-Europeanlanguage spoken by approximately 7.6 million people, primarily inAlbania and Kosovo but also in other areas of the Balkans in whichthere is an autochthonous (native) Albanian population, includingwestern Macedonia, southern Montenegro, southern Serbia andnorthwestern Greece.
English Radio English Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
English Radios app. English is a West Germaniclanguage spoken originally in England, and is now the most widelyused language in the world. It is spoken as a first language by amajority of the inhabitants of several nations, including theUnited Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland andNew Zealand. It is the third most commonly spoken language in theworld in terms of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese andSpanish. But it is more commonly used as a second language than anyother, which is why its total number of speakers -- native plusnon-native -- exceeds those of any other language. English is anofficial language of the European Union and many Commonwealthcountries, as well as in many world organisations.
Tsonga Radio Tsonga Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Tsonga Radios app. The Tsonga or Xitsongalanguage is spoken in southern Africa by the Tsonga people, alsoknown as the Shangaan.Tsonga belongs to the Bantu branch of the Niger–Congo languages.The language of the Tsonga people is wrongly called Xichangana (or"Shangaan" by outsiders) because some of the people were under theleadership of Soshangana "Manukusa" (wrongly classified as Zulu butactually Ndwandwe(Nguni/Ngoni), thus Xichangana is a hybrid ofXitsonga and the language of the Ndwandwe(Nguni/Ngoni)). Tsonga hasdifferent variants, some of which are considered differentlanguages by some linguists: e.g. Tsonga, Ndawu, Ronga andTswa.Tsonga is spoken by about 1,972,000 [2] people in South Africa'sLimpopo province as well as Gauteng Province and MpumalangaProvince, as well as 1.5 million people in Mozambique, and 19,000people in Swaziland. There are also 100,000 speakers inZimbabwe.In South Africa most of Vatsonga were concentrated in placeslike e.g. Nkowankowa, Giyani, Malamulele, N'wamitwa, Muhlava, Elim(Axipilongo, ka Jiwawa) in Limpopo and Bushbuckridge(ka Mpisana)and others in Mpumalanga. There are also large numbers in theNorthwest, KwaZulu-Natal(Tembe) and Gauteng provinces. Basicallythey can be found anywhere in the old Transvaal.
Scots Radio Scots Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Scots Radios app. Scots is the Germaniclanguage variety spoken in Lowland Scotland and parts of Ulster(where the local dialect is known as Ulster Scots). It is sometimescalled Lowland Scots to distinguish it from Scottish Gaelic, theCeltic language variety spoken in most of the western Highlands andin the Hebrides.Since there are no universally accepted criteria fordistinguishing languages from dialects, scholars and otherinterested parties often disagree about the linguistic, historicaland social status of Scots. Although a number of paradigms fordistinguishing between languages and dialects do exist, these oftenrender contradictory results. Focused broad Scots is at one end ofa bipolar linguistic continuum, with Scottish Standard English atthe other. Consequently, Scots is often regarded as one of theancient varieties of English, but with its own distinct dialects.Alternatively, Scots is sometimes treated as a distinct Germaniclanguage, in the way Norwegian is closely linked to, yet distinctfrom, Danish.A 2010 Scottish Government study of "public attitudes towardsthe Scots language" found that 64% of respondents (around 1,000individuals being a representative sample of Scotland's adultpopulation) "don't really think of Scots as a language", but italso found that "the most frequent speakers are least likely toagree that it is not a language (58%) and those never speakingScots most likely to do so (72%)". In the 2011 Scottish census, aquestion on Scots language ability was featured.
Japanese Radio Japanese Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Japanese Radios app. Japanese is a languagespoken by over 120 million people in Japan and in Japaneseimmigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic (orJapanese-Ryukyuan) language family, which has a number of proposedrelationships with other languages, none of which has gained wideacceptance among historical linguists (see Classification ofJaponic).Japanese is an agglutinative language and a mora-timed language.It has a relatively small sound inventory, and a lexicallysignificant pitch-accent system. It is distinguished by a complexsystem of honorifics reflecting the nature of Japanese society,with verb forms and particular vocabulary to indicate the relativestatus of the speaker, the listener, and persons mentioned inconversation. Japanese vowels are pure.The Japanese language is written with a combination of threescripts: Chinese characters called kanji (漢字?), and two syllabic(or moraic) scripts made of modified Chinese characters, hiragana(ひらがな or 平仮名?) and katakana (カタカナ or 片仮名?). The Latin script,rōmaji (ローマ字?), is also often used in modern Japanese, especiallyfor company names and logos, advertising, romanization of Japanesecharacters, and when entering Japanese text into a computer. Arabicnumerals are generally used for numbers, but traditionalSino-Japanese numerals are also commonplace (see Japanesenumerals).
Hindi Radio Hindi Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Hindi Radios app. Hindi, is a standardised andsanskritised register of the Hindi-Urdu language derived from theKhariboli dialect of Delhi and Western Uttar Pradesh. It is one ofthe official languages of the Republic of India.
Inuktitut Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Inuktitut Radios app. Inuktitut or EasternCanadian Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian Inuit language is the name ofsome of the Inuit languages spoken in Canada. It is spoken in allareas north of the tree line, including parts of the provinces ofNewfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, to some extent in northeasternManitoba as well as the territories of Nunavut, the NorthwestTerritories, and traditionally on the Arctic Ocean coast of Yukon.It is recognised as an official language in Nunavut and theNorthwest Territories. It also has legal recognition in Nunavik—apart of Québec—thanks in part to the James Bay and Northern QuébecAgreement, and is recognised in the Charter of the French Languageas the official language of instruction for Inuit school districtsthere. It also has some recognition in Nunatsiavut—the Inuit areain Labrador—following the ratification of its agreement with thegovernment of Canada and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.The Canadian census reports that there are roughly 35,000 Inuktitutspeakers in Canada, including roughly 200 who live regularlyoutside of traditionally Inuit lands.
Hawaiian Radio Hawaiian Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Hawaiian Radios app. The Hawaiian language isa Polynesian language that takes its name from Hawaiʻi, the largestisland in the tropical North Pacific archipelago where itdeveloped. Hawaiian, along with English, is an official language ofthe state of Hawaii. King Kamehameha III established the firstHawaiian-language constitution in 1839 and 1840.For various reasons, including Territorial legislationestablishing English as the official language in schools, thenumber of native speakers of Hawaiian gradually decreased duringthe period from the 1830s to the 1950s. Hawaiian was essentiallydisplaced by English on six of the seven inhabited islands. As of2001, native speakers of Hawaiian amount to under 0.1% of thestatewide population. Linguists are worried about the fate of thisand other endangered languages.
Armenian Radio Armenian Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Armenian Radios app. The Armenian language isan Indo-European language spoken by the Armenian people. It is theofficial language of the Republic of Armenia as well as in theregion of Nagorno-Karabakh. The language is also widely spoken byArmenian communities in the Armenian diaspora. It has its ownscript, the Armenian alphabet, and is of interest to linguists forits distinctive phonological developments withinIndo-European.
Tibetan Radio Tibetan Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Tibetan Radios app. The Tibetan languages area cluster of mutually-unintelligible Tibeto-Burman languages spokenprimarily by Tibetan peoples who live across a wide area of easternCentral Asia bordering the Indian subcontinent, including theTibetan Plateau and the northern Indian subcontinent in Baltistan,Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. The classical written form is amajor regional literary language, particularly for its use inBuddhist literature.For political reasons, the dialects of U-Tsang otherwise knownas central Tibet (including Lhasa), Khams, and Amdo are considereddialects of a single Tibetan language, while Dzongkha, Sikkimese,Sherpa, and Ladakhi are generally considered to be separatelanguages, although their speakers may consider themselves to beethnically Tibetan. However, this does not reflect linguisticreality: Dzongkha and Sherpa, for example, are closer to LhasaTibetan than Khams or Amdo are.The Tibetan languages are spoken by approximately 6 million pluspeople. With the worldwide spread of Tibetan Buddhism, the Tibetanlanguage has spread into the western world and can be found in manyBuddhist publications and prayer materials; with some westernstudents learning the language for translation of Tibetan texts.Lhasa Tibetan is spoken by approximately 150,000 exile speakers whohave moved from modern-day Tibet to India and other countries.Tibetan is also spoken by groups of ethnic minorities in Tibet whohave lived in close proximity to Tibetans for centuries, butnevertheless retain their own languages and cultures. Although someof the Qiangic peoples of Kham are classified by the People'sRepublic of China as ethnic Tibetans, Qiangic languages are notTibetan, but rather form their own branch of the Tibeto-Burmanlanguage family.Classical Tibetan was not a tonal language, but some varietiessuch as Central and Khams Tibetan have developed tone. (Amdo andLadakhi/Balti are without tone.) Tibetan morphology can generallybe described as agglutinative, although Classical Tibetan waslargely analytic.Nicolas Tournadre (2008) describes the language situation ofTibetan as follows:Based on my 20 years of field work throughout the Tibetanlanguage area and on the existing literature, I estimate that thereare 220 'Tibetan dialects' derived from Old Tibetan and nowadaysspread across 5 countries: China, India, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan[which] may be classed within 25 dialect groups, i. e. groups whichdo not allow mutual intelligibility. The notion of ‘dialect group’is equivalent to the notion of language but does not entail anystandardization. Thus if we set aside the notion ofstandardization, I believe it would be more appropriate to speak of25 languages derived from Old Tibetan. This is not only aterminological issue but it gives an entirely different perceptionof the range of variation. When we refer to 25 languages, we makeclear that we are dealing with a family comparable in size to theRomance family which has 19 groups of dialects.According to Bradley, these languages cluster as follows:Ladakhi ("Western Archaic Tibetan", including Balti and Purik)(non-tonal)Central Tibetan (tonal)Western Innovative Tibetan, primarily in Ladakh and the borderareasDbus AKA Ü (alternate romanisations of [y˧˥˧ʔ]) (Central Tibetanproper), in Ngari, Ü-Tsang (including Lhasa), and northern Nepalborder areasNorthern Tibetan: Nagchu and southern QinghaiSouthern Tibetan: Southern Ü-Tsang, Sikkim, and Bhutan, such asDzongkha, Sherpa, SikkimeseKhams Tibetan (tonal); spoken in Qinghai, Chamdo, Sichuan,YunnanAmdo Tibetan (non-tonal); spoken in Qinghai, Gansu, SichuanVarying classifications are found. Some group Khams and Amdotogether as Eastern Tibetan (not to be confused with East Bodish,which is not ethnically Tibetan). Others break up CentralTibetan.
Sindhi Radio Sindhi Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Sindhi Radios app. Sindhi is the language ofthe historical Sindh region. It is spoken by 53,410,910 people inPakistan and some 5,820,485 people in India. It is the second mostspoken language in all of Pakistan and is theoretically theofficial language of the province of Sindh, although Urdu andEnglish are still the main languages for many administrative andbusiness purposes. In India, Sindhi is one of the scheduledlanguages officially recognized by the federal government. Abroadthere are some 2.6 million Sindhis, out of which approximately 60%are Pakistani and 40% are Indian.Sindhi is an Indo-Aryan language of the Indo-Iranian branch ofthe Indo-European language family. It has influences from a localversion of spoken form of Sanskrit and from Balochi spoken in theadjacent province of Balochistan.Most Sindhi speakers are concentrated in the Sindh province andin Kutch, India where Sindhi is a local language. The remainingspeakers in India are composed of the Hindu Sindhis who migratedfrom Sindh and settled in India after partition and the Sindhidiaspora worldwide.(Perso-Arabic: سنڌي, Devanagari: सिन्धी)
Fula Radio Fula Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Fula Radios app. The Fula or Fulani language(Fula: Fulfulde or Pulaar or Pular ; French: Peul) is a language ofWest Africa. Like the neighbouring languages Serer and Wolof, itbelongs to the Senegambian branch of the Niger–Congo languagefamily. It is spoken as a first language by the Fulɓe (Fula orFulani people) and related groups (such as the Tukulor in theSenegal River Valley) from Senegambia and Guinea to Cameroon andSudan. It is also spoken as a second language by peoples in variousareas of the region.
Pashto Radio Pashto Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Pashto Radios app. Pashto is the nativelanguage of the Pashtun people of South Central Asia. Pashto is amember of the Eastern Iranian languages group, spoken in Pakistanand Afghanistan as well as by the Pashtun diaspora around theworld.Pashto belongs to the Northeastern Iranic branch of theIndo-Iranian language family, although Ethnologue lists it asSoutheastern Iranic. The number of Pashtuns or Pashto-speakers isestimated 50-60 million people world wide. Pashto is one of the twoofficial languages of Afghanistan (the other being Dari Persian),and a regional language in western and northwestern Pakistan.پښتو, also transliterated Pax̌to, Paxto, Pukhto, Pushto orPashtu), also known as Afghani (Persian: افغانی‎) and Pathani(Urdu: پٹھانی, Hindi: पठानी Paṭhānī)
Hebrew Radio Hebrew Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Hebrew Radios app. Hebrew is a West Semiticlanguage of the Afroasiatic language family. Culturally, it isconsidered by Jews and other religious groups as the language ofthe Jewish people, although other Jewish languages had originatedamong diaspora Jews, and the Hebrew language was also used bynon-Jewish groups, such as the ethnically related Samaritans.Modern Hebrew is spoken by most of the eight million people inIsrael, while Classical Hebrew is used for prayer or study inJewish communities around the world. The language is attested fromthe 10th century BCE to the late Second Temple period, after whichthe language developed into Mishnaic Hebrew. Modern Hebrew is oneof the official languages of Israel, along with Arabic.Ancient Hebrew is also the liturgical tongue of the Samaritans,while modern Hebrew or Arabic is their vernacular, though todayonly about 700 Samaritans remain. As a foreign language it isstudied mostly by Jews and students of Judaism and Israel,archaeologists and linguists specializing in the Middle East andits civilizations, by theologians, and in Christian seminaries.The core of the Torah (the first five books of the HebrewBible), and most of the rest of the Hebrew Bible, is written inClassical Hebrew, and much of its present form is specifically thedialect of Biblical Hebrew that scholars believe flourished aroundthe 6th century BCE, around the time of the Babylonian exile. Forthis reason, Hebrew has been referred to by Jews as Leshon HaKodesh(לשון הקודש), "The Holy Language", since ancient times.
Assamese Radio Assamese Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Assamese Radios app. Assamese is theeasternmost Indo-Aryan language. It is used mainly in the state ofAssam in North-East India. It is the official language of Assam. Itis also spoken in parts of Arunachal Pradesh and other northeastIndian states. Nagamese, an Assamese-based Creole language iswidely used in Nagaland and parts of Assam. Small pockets ofAssamese speakers can be found in Bhutan. The easternmost ofIndo-European languages, it is spoken by over 20 million people andhas 16.8 million native speakers.
Khmer Radio Khmer Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Khmer Radios app. Khmer is the language of theKhmer people and the official language of Cambodia. It is thesecond most widely spoken Austroasiatic language (afterVietnamese), with speakers in the tens of millions. Khmer has beenconsiderably influenced by Sanskrit and Pali, especially in theroyal and religious registers, through the vehicles of Hinduism andBuddhism. It is also the earliest recorded and earliest writtenlanguage of the Mon–Khmer family, predating Mon and by asignificant margin Vietnamese. The Khmer language has influenced,and also been influenced by, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese and Cham, all ofwhich, due to geographical proximity and long-term culturalcontact, form a sprachbund in peninsular Southeast Asia.ភាសាខ្មែរ, IPA: [pʰiːəsaː kʰmaːe]; or more formally, ខេមរភាសា,IPA: [kʰeɛmaʔraʔ pʰiːəsaː]), or Cambodian
Afrikaans Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Afrikaans Radios. Afrikaans is a West Germaniclanguage, spoken natively in South Africa, Namibia and to a lesserextent in Botswana and Zimbabwe.
Cantonese Radio Radios 1.0
iHues Media Ltd.
Cantonese Radios app. Cantonese is a languagethat originated in the vicinity of Canton (i.e. Guangzhou) insouthern China, and is often regarded as the prestige dialect ofYue Chinese.In mainland China, it is a lingua franca in Guangdong Provinceand some neighbouring areas, such as the eastern part of GuangxiProvince. Outside mainland China, it is spoken by the majoritypopulation of Hong Kong and Macau in everyday life. It is alsospoken by overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia (likeSingapore and Christmas Island), the United States, Canada, Brazil,Peru, Cuba, Panama, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as parts ofEurope, and is the most widely spoken non-Mandarin Sinitic languagein the world.